Life in Provincetown


Henry and Ada Rayner Hensche's
wedding day

Henry and wife Ada

Wags, Henry and wife Ada
at home in Provincetown
c. 1980's

Ada Rayner Hensche in her garden
c. 1980's, courtesy of Egeli collection

Henry, Wags and Ada
having Lunch
c. 1980's, courtesy of Egeli collection

Portrait Painting

Henry and Ada Hensche's
home in Provincetown, MA
c. 1980s

Henry and Ada Hensche's
home in Provincetown, MA
c. 1940s

Henry and Ada Hensche's
home in Provincetown, MA
c. 1940's

Interior of Henry and Ada Hensche's
home in Provincetown, MA
c. 1940s

Interior of Henry and Ada Hensche's
home in Provincetown, MA
c. 1940's

Interior of Henry and Ada Hensche's
home in Provincetown, MA
c. 1940's

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